Labour Legislation
Labour Legislation

Legislation & Agreements

On this page you shall find the Bargaining Council Collective Agreements and various legislative Acts by which companies are governed and which are presently applicable to the industry:


  • Labour Relations Act (LRA) 66/1995
    The LRA provides for the registration and regulation of bargaining councils, employer organisations and trade unions. In terms of disputes, it provides for dispute resolution procedures through the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and the establishment of the Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court.
  • Skills Development Act (SDA) 9/1999
    The SDA provides for the training of workers and the improvement of skills. In terms of the SDA, Sector Training Authorities have been established to promote the development of workers.
  • Unemployment Insurance Act (UIA)
    The UIA provides for unemployment payments for a limited period, maternity leave payments, death benefits and illness allowances.
